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6 Month Update

Logo for The Writer's Walk-In

Oh boy here I am in the Writer’s Corner! What is this post about you ask (I know you didn’t ask, but let’s play along)?


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about writing/blogging recently. I have a large work break coming up, so I’m thinking about what I’ll work on, goals I have, etc. And it led me to a wonderful thought: I’ve been doing this for a few months: almost 6 to be exact!


Given that, I thought I’d revisit why I started this. When I first started this blog my hope, my why so to speak, was to pursue more of my personal interests, to have something more than just work, to escape fine.


But now with time passing, it isn’t just about escaping fine anymore (check out my first post: An Introduction, it was a fun rant). As I mentioned in that post, my life isn’t terribly exciting, I work a 7 to 4 communications/marketing job. It’s pretty solid and I’ve learned a lot. And this is my first job working in my field, and I am very thankful for the opportunity.  


But if I’m being honest, one hundred percent honest…I want more. I like the people I work for/with, but I just want more. This is definitely something I’ve come to realize in the last few months.


I know I’d also written in my first post about wanting to become a full-time writer. When I typed that, it really felt like just an unattainable hope. Something that I typed out and didn’t think about too much. And now that I’ve been thinking about it more...I want that. I want to write full-time and blog every day. I want to be my own boss. I want to tell stories and write about pants that make me want to dance the night away for the rest of my life.


So to end this post, I’m not trying to escape fine anymore, I want to, need to, make the hope a reality. Is this ridiculous? Potentially. Can I do this? I don’t know.


Am I going to try like hell to? You bet.




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